
Journal Amirani. 2000. Volume 3

Über den Weinbau und dieWeinbereitung in Georgien

Author(s): Nata Achmeteli

Den Südkaukasus gibt man für die Heimat der Weinrebe, und die Leute, die das Territorium von Georgien bevölkert hatten, waren von altesher, natürlich, bekannt mit der Weinrebe. Davon zeugen auch archäologische Materialen (Weinkerne, die man an den Denkmälern der Schulaweri-Schomutepe Kultur des Eneolithzeitlichers und der Kuro-Araxis Kultur des früheren Bronzezeitalters gefunden hatte).

Journal Amirani. 2000. Volume 3

The fairy-tale and the child

Author(s): Rusudan Cholokashvili

The fairy-tale is one of the primordial literary genres, in which the archaic world-view is represented. To be sure, the myth is an older form, but it is a form of cognition rather than a creative product - the ancient beliefs concerning the universe presented in it were perceived as real. Compared to myth, the fairy-tale is an act of prevarication, since the mythic materials gathered into it have been reworked, and already appear as unreal to the teller of the tale.

Journal Amirani. 2002. Volume 6

lichenishi. Svanetian sacral holiday

Author(s): Paata Bukhrashvili

According to the materials under consideration, the holiday "lichenishi" is dedicated to the divinities of fruitfulness and in this case, as is so frequent in the Caucasus, a Christian saint had adopted the functions of a divinity from an earlier, pagan period.

Journal Amirani. 2002. Volume 6

For the ethnomedicine in Imereti. Uzhmuri

Author(s): Lela Nebieridze

During the field work in Imereti, our attention is drawn to the disease, which is called "uzhmuri". This disease is known in almost every region of Georgia and has caused special interest in its specific nature and causes the researchers. First of all, we present the material we have collected according to the thematic principle, according to the causes and the course of the disease, then we will try to draw parallels with similar materials obtained in other regions of Georgia.

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