
Journal Amirani. 2008. Volume 20

To the question of study of Tsilkani and Akhizi relief symbols

Author(s): Marika Mshvildadze, Ketevan Digmelashvili

Early-Christian temple reliefs of Tsilkani (Episcopacy of Kartli) and Akhizi (Episcopacy of Klarjeti V-VI centuries) are considered in this work. These reliefs represent deer, as a geometric figures formed together with a cross. Opinion of the author about the symbolic description of Tsilkani reliefs is given as well. According to the author’s opinion subject of these reliefs have to be the legends about the conversion of Kartli to Christianity. On the basis of the study of the relief parallels and history of temple authors date mentioned relieves as of the II half of V century.

Journal Amirani. 2008. Volume 20

Landscape in Korneli Sanadze’s Works

Author(s): Lela Mikaberidze

The present work deals with versatile works by painter Korneli Sanadze, in particular his landscapes, aspects of his painting skills and values that pervade all of his paintings. The landscapes vary in terms of date, character, format and painting techniques involved. Their classification on the basis of format is, however, considered to be more preferable. The present work focuses on two paintings on one and the same theme.

Journal Amirani. 2009. Volume 21

Zoomorphic fibuli III-IV cc AD

Author(s): Ketevan Ramishvili

XX საუკუნის II ნახევარში საქართველოში წარმოებული არქეოლოგიური გათხრების შედეგად დაგროვდა ბრინჯაოსა და ვერცხლისაგან დამზადებული საკმაოდ მრავალრიცხოვანი ზოომორფული (ცხოველსახოვანი) გამოსახულებები, რომლებიც სამეცნიერო ლიტერატურაში ქართული მატერიალური კულტურისა და ჩვენი ქვეყნის მოსახლეობის რწმენა-წარმოდგენებთან დაკავშირებული საკითხების კვლევის მნიშვნელოვან პირველწყაროდაა მიჩნეული.

Journal Amirani. 2009. Volume 21

Antefix from Alaverdi Monastery

Author(s): Kakhi Tsereteli, Malkhaz Tsindeliani

In 2006 during the archeological excavations of Alaverdi Monastery complex (so-called lower chamber) an antefix was discovered. Taking into consideration the circumstances of discovery in the north-west drifted layer of the lower “chamber” the comparative-stylistic analyse wase used to establish the date the mentioned artefact. However, issuing from the fact that cross-formed representation of antefix known in Georgia are usually conservative, we shall consider the date of the object in the context of the architectural terracota found in the Alaverdi complex.

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