
Journal Amirani. 2004. Volume 10

Contemporary relations between Georgia and Ukraine

Author(s): David Sandodze

XXI საუკუნის დასაწყისში საქართველოს პოლიტიკური და კულტურულ იცხოვრებისათვის ნიშანდობლივი იყო XXს-ის 90-იანი წლების პრობლემები. ამ მხრივ განსხვავებულ მდგომარეობაში იმყოფრებოდა უკრაინა, რომელსაც გარანტირებული ჰქონდა ტერიტორიული მთლიანობა და შედარებით სტაბილურად ავითარებდა სახელმწიფოებრივ მშენებლობასა და საერთაშორისო კონტაქტებს.

Journal Amirani. 2005. Volume 12

The Ebla city-country

Author(s): Nino Charekishvili

To the scientific circle of Georgia, Ebla civilization (B.C. III-II millennium) modern Syrian Arab Republic is less known. The purpose of the work is to make clear many questions, including civilization-related, on the basis of discovered materials on the territory of Ebla city-country. There are following topics discussed in the work: groups, discovered in the result of archeological dig and three sectors (central, administrative and South Complexes); royal archives, civil service, public structure; special form of land property

Journal Amirani. 2005. Volume 12

The history of Poti town

Author(s): Nino Otkhozoria

A new stage has been started in the history of town Poti when the local population named Niko Nikoladze as the Town Head among other candidates. On the 25th of October 1894 he was elected as the Town Head. The representatives of progressive intelligencia displayed interest towards this fact. The activities of Niko Nikoladze during his service were periodically covered by “Iveria”, a newspaper founded by Ilya Tchavtchavadze.

Journal Amirani. 2005. Volume 12

Joint Efforts of Professors and Teachers of the University and Clergymen to Defend and Save the Church Treasures

Author(s): Manana Liluashvili

If we overview the press or the archived material of the 20-ies of the XX century, we’ll be able to see how E. Takaishvili, K. Kekelidze, I. Javakhishvili and others are struggling to save the Georgian churches and monasteries, destroyed in the course of times, robbed and violated by the Russian Church. They keep the inventory of these architectural complexes, measure and photograph them. They are making complete lists of objects kept there, having both spiritual and historic values. The question of the defense and rescue of the Church treasures was not only of the interest of the Georgian Church and intelligence. The Menshevik Government of Georgia was interested by this problem, too.

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