Journal Amirani. 2008. Volume 19 Author(s): George Zedgenidze |
Bogs on the territory of Georgia are mainly represented on the territory of Colchi lowland that is caused by several natural factors (ground surface small inclination, abundant atmospheric precipitants, ground water levels, heavy clay composition of soil, insignificant leakage of water from bogs, intensive tectonic sinking that takes place on Colchi lowlands and reaches 6 mm annually, near Poti, distribution of plants that trigger bogs formation processes etc.). |
Journal Amirani. 2008. Volume 20 Author(s): Thea Kobakhidze |
მონასტერი ძლიერი რელიგიური ორგანიზაციაა. იგი სრულყოფის უსასრულო გზაა და აღემატება ქრისტიანული საზოგადოების საერთო დონეს. მონასტერი ე. წ. უმაღლესი სკოლაა, რომელიც ჭეშმარიტ ქრისტიანებს აყალიბებს. |
Journal Amirani. 2009. Volume 21 Author(s): George Chiladze |
In the work, the author considers such issues as the authorship of a piece of creative work, the place and significance of an intellectual property, its non- material nature and culture, within the value system of Georgian nation . The author characterizes the system of measures carried out by the state that ensure the possibility of commercialization of the intellectual property objects. |
Journal Amirani. 2009. Volume 21 Some Culturological-Juridical Aspects of Protecting Folkloric Works in Georgia Author(s): George Chiladze |
Folkloric works are significant part of the cultural heritage of a Georgian nation. In the process of their commercialization, folkloric works are often deformed.