Journal Amirani

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2004 Volume 10

Education Centers and Custom-Festivals in Saingilo

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Maia Barikhashvili

The ancient historical literature gives very little information about Saingilo, particularly in relation to the secular and religious education in the region. Nevertheless, several documents having reached us up to the present day clarify this question.

2004 Volume 10

Assyrian Fathers and the surrounding nature

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): David Merkviladze

VI century's ecclesiastic statesmen, called "Thirteen Assyrian Fathers", are famous as the ascetic monks and the leaders of the monastic movement in Georgia. In the previous article, based on the information scattered through the Georgian hagiographical lives of the Assyrian Fathers, is discussed their dependence full of love and careful towards the surrounding nature, which make the new, special and interesting lines to the monks' psychological portrait.

2004 Volume 10

From the history of relations between Christians and Muslims

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Eka Goderdzishvili

Lotsof branches of Christian church existed and exist even now in the Eastern world. Muslims were dominating on the lands where was the highest level of civilization and education. The Christian church appears to be the defender of this civilization. This civilization together with Christian ideology had become the source of the Islamic mental and moral development. Also with the process of growth of education in Islam, Christian's intellectual help was less needed, so their influence was falling with time.

2004 Volume 10

Russlands Politik (UdSSR) im Nordkaukasus und der tchetchenische Widerstand

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): George Anchabadze

Der größte Teil der Geschichte der russisch-čečenischen Beziehungen (seit dem 18. Jahrhundert bis zum heutigen Tag) ist durch kriegerische Auseinan-dersetzungen gekennzeichnet. In der gegenwärtigen Welt ist es schwer ein anderes Beispiel für eine so lange und erbitterte Konfrontation zu finden. Ihren Höhepunkt hat sie in unserer Zeit erreicht, in der Zeit, in der humanitäre Einstellung sehr wichtig ist. Der Krieg vernichtet das čečenische Volk. Aber auch Rußland leidet: die Söhne des Landes sterben, die Kriegsausgaben belasten das Budget, die Zukunft des Landes ist fraglich, denn indem man einen Krieg gegen ein kleines Volk fortführt, ist es unmöglich, auf dem demokratischen Weg zu bleiben.

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