Journal Amirani

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2007 Volume 17

The Legends and Rituals Connected (Jvar-Khatebi) with Christian Icons in the Pankisi

Entry date: 2007-01-27

Author(s): Khvtiso Mamisimedishvili

The change in the residential place and settlement in Pankisi significantly changed the everyday culture and saga of the Kists, as well as of Tushs and Pshavs. Some genres in their folklore repertoire ultimately disappeared. For example, the topics about the idols of god’s children and Devis have been almost forgotten.

2007 Volume 17

The Epoch of Magna: Brand totemism and the imagined transition-translation from socialism to post-socialism in Georgia

Entry date: 2007-01-27

Author(s): Paul Manning

Since I began my fieldwork here in Georgia in 1992, many things have changed, of course. In fact, the entire history of post-socialism is still called ‘the transition’, in recognition that this is an epoch of change, perhaps in contrast to the period of ‘stagnation’ that preceded it. The term transition contains within it, obviously, a not very well hidden narrative, that this transition is heading somewhere specific, that it has a goal of some sort. Capitalism, democracy, liberalism, that sort of thing, maybe.

2007 Volume 17

Household buildings in village Khizabavra

Entry date: 2007-01-27

Author(s): Zurab Quqchishvili

ქვეყნის, ხალხის, ქალაქისა თუ სოფლის კულტურული დონის შესახებ მსჯელობას ყოველთვის იწყებენ მისი გარეგნული იერსახიდან გამომდინარე. ნებისმიერს, ვინც პირველად მოხვდება უცნობ ადგილებში, პირველ რიგში თვალში ეცემა მიწისზედა ნაგებობათა სიმდიდრე-მორთულობანი. ჩვენს ნაშრომში გვინდა ზოგადად წარმოვაჩინოთ სოფელ ხიზაბავრაში გავრცელებულ საცხოვრებელ ნაგებობათა ნაირსახეობანი. წინასწარ ვიტყოდით, რომ ეს სოფელი არ არის გამონაკლისი საერთო ქართული პროცესებიდან, რომ ძირითადად აქაც განვითარდა საქართველოს სხვადასხვა კუთხეში ცნობილი საცხოვრისის ტიპები.

2007 Volume 17

Roman Politics in Caucasus (1st century 70th BC to 1st century 50th AD)

Entry date: 2007-01-27

Author(s): Temur Todua

The Romans attention was paid to Caucasus in 70th I century BC. The Roman’s position in Caucasus in Augustus epoch was strengthened. At this time Armenia and Iberia played main role in Rome – Caucasus Policies, which were considered as Rome’s collaborators. Empires Caucasus Political methods were changed in Caligula epoch. Colchis became the main part of Pontos Royal restorations and Iberia remained the collaborator of the Rome. But the King of Armenia Mithridat was refused to rule Iberia. Mithridat was announced as a king of Armenia in the time of Claudius ruling. In Garnisi in the 4th century was excepted the unions. Iberia and Albania was considered as the collaborators, and Colchis was the part of Pontos Royal. In 52nd Rome lost Armenia, which caused Caucasus Political failing.

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