Journal Amirani

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2000 Volume 3

Apropos of the M. V. Andreeva's review

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): George Leon Kavtaradze

We should probably express our gratitude to M. V. Andreeva, who undertook the work of reviewing our book on the chronology of the archaeological cultures of Georgia during the Eneolithic and Bronze Age, but at the same time, we should note with regret that the M.V. Andreeva's extensive review contains a number of annoying inaccuracies and distortions capable of misleading an unfamiliar reader. We consider it our duty to pay attention to them, especially since they create the impression that the book under review is flawed from a methodological point of view, and unfounded in content.

2000 Volume 3

Über den Weinbau und dieWeinbereitung in Georgien

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Nata Achmeteli

Den Südkaukasus gibt man für die Heimat der Weinrebe, und die Leute, die das Territorium von Georgien bevölkert hatten, waren von altesher, natürlich, bekannt mit der Weinrebe. Davon zeugen auch archäologische Materialen (Weinkerne, die man an den Denkmälern der Schulaweri-Schomutepe Kultur des Eneolithzeitlichers und der Kuro-Araxis Kultur des früheren Bronzezeitalters gefunden hatte).

2000 Volume 3

Binarité et complémentarité en Géorgie du nord-est. La présentation des garçons et des fillesau sanctuaire d'Iaqsar

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Kevin J. Tuite, Paata Bukhrashvili

La religion traditionnelle des montagnards géorgiens des provinces de Pshavi et de Xevsureti, (situées approx. 70-100 km au nord de la capitale Tbilissi) a été étudiée par des folkloristes, historiens et ethnographes depuis plus qu´un siècle. C´est grâce à leurs efforts qu´aujourd´hui nous disposons d´une petite bibliothèque de textes en dialecte originale, des témoignages de montagnards recrutés par l´Académie des sciences géorgienne, des descriptions détaillées des sanctuaires et des sites sacrés, et des dizaines d´articles et de monographies. Quelques tentatives ont ´t´ faites de synth´tiser ces matères ethnographiques, notamment par Véra Bardavelidze (1957), Georges Charachidzé (1968) et Zurab K´ik´nadze (1996) (résumé par Tuite 1997).

2000 Volume 3

The fairy-tale and the child

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Rusudan Cholokashvili

The fairy-tale is one of the primordial literary genres, in which the archaic world-view is represented. To be sure, the myth is an older form, but it is a form of cognition rather than a creative product - the ancient beliefs concerning the universe presented in it were perceived as real. Compared to myth, the fairy-tale is an act of prevarication, since the mythic materials gathered into it have been reworked, and already appear as unreal to the teller of the tale.

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