Journal Amirani

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2019 Volume 32

Ismirika - Hittites Political Union of Eastern Periphery

Entry date: 2019-10-23

Author(s): Nino Charekishvili

The article discusses one of the important geographical points of the political entities on the Eastern Periphery - Ismirika. Especially it's important to mention here the Ismirika's agreement, which the king of Hittites put to the people of Ismirika. Ismirika's agreement is published in the series of KUB and ABot, these texts and fragments are preserved in the Boghazkois archive.

2019 Volume 32

About the role of Nakhs in the history of the Central Caucasus

Entry date: 2019-10-24

Author(s): Yaroslav Pylypchuk

This paper is dedicated to the reconstruction of ethnic and political history of the Nakhs in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Nakhs long been subtly chroniclers and geographers. Several of the Nakh tribes were known mainly Georgians and Armenians. Only a few Arab geographers knew the Nakhs, also through the mediation of the Georgian apprehended them etnonim Durdzuks to refer to the Nakhs.

2019 Volume 32

About the Book Published in Baku - "The Eighteenth Century Caucasus through the Eyes of a Russian Secret Agent"

Entry date: 2019-10-24

Author(s): Davit Merkviladze

In 2017 the TEAS Press published a book in Baku: "The Eighteenth Century Caucasus through the Eyes of a Russian Secret Agent". The edition contains the Russian army colonel, S. Burnashev's three works: 1. "The Picture of Georgia, or the Description of the Political Situation of Kartli and Kakheti Kingdoms", 2. "The Description of Azerbaijani Countries in Persia and Their Political Situation", 3. "Description of the Mountain Peoples". The above mentioned publication is very important for the scientists, who work on the history of the Caucasus of the second half of the eighteenth century.

2019 Volume 32

Dimitri Tumanishvili as Personality

Entry date: 2019-10-24

Author(s): Samson Lezhava

In Memoriam of Dr. professor Dimitri Tumanishvili, achairman of the Scientific Board of the National Research Center of History and Monument Protection of Georgian Art and a Doctor of Art Studies.

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